1st official BMTA track day was held on the 7/04/08 in Mondello Park. Alot learned but alot more to learn. Great day had by all.
If Gunther ever gives me the video footage of him crashing I will put it on the blog.
However I must point out that the Honda boys did well and trully kick Suzuki's butt on the track.
"On a track day it comes down to skill levels and thats all I'll say" quote from Powder.
"I have to hand it to Gunther he is stone wall mad, he has the racers edge. it's a pitty he didn't take up biking as a child, he could be making a living at it now." quote from Sqeek.
"AH BAA HUM BUG why does it feel like I have a square back wheel" quote from Pernod.
"why cant you pass on a site'n lap and whats this crack with giving the rider in front an 8 foot gap?? Just drive it on will ya" quote from Gunther.